Minimalist and elegant, with olive branches and text, note on this version the text is off centered, with one bunch of branches.
This Ketubah has hand scribed Hebrew/Aramaic lettering, digitized. Scribed and designed by Bluth. Your personal details (names, location and date of the wedding, space for signing) will be seamlessly scribed into the final product.
The scribed heading of this Ketubah is "Ani L'Dodi V'Dodi Li", a love filled line from Psalms, meaning I am for my beloved, and my beloved is for me.
Choose the text of your choice: Traditional, Lieberman clause egalitarian, interfaith, queer, custom texts, etc. Choose design with or without the matte border.
Order now or be in touch for a free consult with Bluth to discuss text or design options.
After purchasing your Ketubah, you will be sent a form to fill out with all of your personalized details!
Framing not included.
Mazel Tov!
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